Sunday, November 6, 2011

In Honor of Our Courageous Missionary Women-

Thank you, Cross Points Church for generously contributing $1330 for our missionary ladies!   That means that our ten missionary women were each given an envelope containing $133 just for them!  It was fun to share the evening with such incredible and courageous women!
  • When:
    Thursday, November 17 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
  • Where:
    Spend an evening with our honored guests and hear their stories of courage from the field.  Special music, light refreshments, and lots of sweet fellowship are on the agenda for the evening.  Child care is provided--kindly register your children and let us know their ages when you reply to the evite.  Or meet us next Sunday at the table in the foyer after church.

    Don't forget--we're also taking a collection to bless our courageous missionary women.  Mark your donation with the words "missionary women" and leave it in an offering box or drop it by our table next Sunday.

Monday, September 5, 2011

2011 Fall Retreat!

It's been oh so many years since we've just gone away for an overnight together--we're looking forward to that! But Eau and BLOOM! long for a weekend of learning--about God and His plans for our relationships, about discipleship and mentorship, about God's plans for our lives. Join us and special guests, Jodi Harkness and Lori Harris as we put our routines behind us for 24 hours and concentrate on Him.

We'll be setting up a table in the foyer before and after church. We have flyers there with much more information and that's where you'll register. Cost is $30 until Sept. 11th. After that the cost is $35. Space is limited--please hurry! Contact Jan Brooks ( if you have other questions.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Saturday Morning Breakfast at Hope Faith Ministries!

 Due to a burst drain pipe and subsequent flooded basement, HOPE FAITH MINISTRIES has to close down for the day on August 13th and we are unable to serve breakfast.  Please watch for a future serving date!  Thank you for your willingness to serve-      Jan
As an outreach project this summer, BLOOM! is going to serve breakfast at Hope Faith Ministries in Kansas City Missouri Saturday morning, August 13th. Plan on meeting at Cross Points Church at 6:15 am and we'll carpool over, then we'll be done about 11:00 am.   We'll have maps!  So that we know how many can help, we're asking you to sign up this Sunday, August 7th at our table at church. Family friendly: Men and children are invited to participate. The children MUST be old enough to stay with a parent and help. They may not wander, so you have to know your child. Please come and share in blessing Hope Faith Ministries!

Can't serve with us that morning? Please consider making a donation at our table on Sunday to help defray the cost of the breakfast. Here's more info about Hope Faith ministries:
I Thessalonians 2:8 We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us.

In Christ's Love,

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Christian Survival Island


It’s messy, this war. The shrapnel of flesh and bone is nowhere to be found; still the death toll rises. Dark and light come to blows in a fiery clash and the battlefield rattles beneath our boots. The arms we bear—love, mercy, grace—have brought rebels to ruin and taken down Kings.  -Toni Birdsong

Friday evening, July 8th 
Fireside Room of Cross Points Church

We'll have island-themed refreshments and games along with our speaker for the evening, Tonya McGhee--all to help us learn more about spiritual warfare.    Nursery care provided if you pre-register your children--please sign up at the table in the foyer after the service or RSVP to your evite.  This is going to be a fun and thoughtful evening!
Wear your best island attire!
Admission is free, but we're asking all attendees to bring a non-perishable food item which will be shared where the need is greatest.  Thanks!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Fashion and Passion

 Congratulations to Tina Morrison, Tracy Martinez and all the Eau women for such a fun and successful event!  We had a great time and we're looking forward to next year!        -BLOOM!

The 4th annual fashion and free shop event. Wear your craziest hat for the Mad Hatter Tea, watch the latest off the thrift store rack fashions walk the runway. Then SHOP for FREE! Childcare is provided with pre-registration. Let us know you are coming or pre-register children-or if you have questions leave a message here! This is an event for all LADIES so invite your friends. We are taking clothing and accessory donations. You may drop them at Cross Points Church (clearly labeled fashion show) or contact Tina Morrison for other arrangements. Do not miss the fun time with the girls!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Girls Night Out at the Movie!

Hope you had a great time!

Like this movie, BLOOM! is appropriate for women of all ages! 

Please join us for a Girls' Movie Night Friday, February 25.
7 pm
Fireside Room, Cross Points Church
Bring a snack to share-
We'll have popcorn and bottled water.
Invite a friend or bring your daughter!
Please pre-register if you need child care!
RSVP to your e-vite or at the BLOOM! table after Sunday Service.

Monday, January 3, 2011

BLOOM! 2010 Year in Review

Dearest Sisters,
Happy New Year!  2010 was such an incredible year-- BLOOM! sponsored a concert with Lori Harris and a benefit for Advice & Aid Pregnancy.  We spent time with Bible teachers Linda Fields, Judy Mayes, and Beth Moore (virtually).  We joined Eau for a Culinary Tour of Shawnee, and honored Cross Points missionary women by sending them To the World with Love.  Enjoy this last look back and then resolve to join our activities in 2011!