A Lamp to My Feet

Last year, I read through the Bible, using an online plan from BibleYear.com.  In order to encourage my sisters to read with me, I blogged about what I was learning in  A Lamp to My Feet.  I had some nice responses and conversations with several of you--but I never felt like I really connected with you and I think there were lots of reasons for that.  We weren't all reading the same passage on the same day, some sisters are uncomfortable with online responses, and lack of time were the main ones I heard.

But if I learned anything in 2010, it was that reading the word daily is imperative for growth!  Secondly, I learned that I remember better and incorporate the word into my daily life more easily if I've written about what I learned.  So for 2011 I'm using the church's Daily Bible Reading Schedule.  I had planned to move the blog here, but I would lose many features.  Instead, on your right, please find a link to my latest blog post (in the box marked A Lamp to my Feet) and a verse of the day taken from my daily reading.

I encourage you to comment.  There is a place for comments at the end of any of my blog posts (the link on the right) or you can comment on this page.  If you have any questions or concerns--e-mail me at janbrooks1@gmail.com. So many of you know so much about God's Word--please feel that this is a place you can freely share with your sisters what you are learning as you walk with our Lord.


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