Time to BLOOM!
Dear loved ones,
For two years, the Women's Committee, as overseer for the Women In Touch ministry, met monthly, praying for and discussing God's intention for this ministry to the women of Cross Points Church. It became obvious to us that over the years, more and more ministries have been started that meet the needs of our women in specific stages of life. There is Reflect for college age and Eau for young women. Seasons, WOW, React, and Young at Heart all include women at various seasons in their lives.
We believe that we are in a new season of ministry and are called to stand beside these groups and equip our women to minister within these other areas. We are the plant that has been well tended and given everything we need to grow. Our desire is to blossom, to be fruitful, multiply, and bloom. Until we bloom, we do not spread the seeds necessary to reproduce ourselves. At this time, we introduce our new name...BLOOM!
As BLOOM! (Believing Ladies Offering Opportunities for Ministry), our focus will be to facilitate inter-generational venues that would provide opportunities for all the women of Cross Points to bloom. BLOOM! will continue to sponsor special events such as concerts, dinners, or coffeehouse nights, encouraging our women to invite others, thus spreading the gospel to people who might not yet be willing to attend a church service. BLOOM! can function as the link between the women of Cross Points and ministries needing volunteer help. We will continue to offer help to those in need throughout the congregation. And most especially, BLOOM! will continue to serve the missionary women of Cross Points Church by blessing them for planting and harvesting across the world.
In a nutshell...instead of ministering TO the women of Cross Points, we will be helping them to minister to others. By doing this, we give our seed the opportunity to grow, bloom, and spread more seeds. This is what we are divinely commissioned to do.
The current committee lovingly expresses our gratitude to all the women who have served Women in Touch with such faithfulness in the past. At the same time, we eagerly anticipate fresh opportunities for ministry.
I Thessalonians 2:8 We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us.
Our new e-mail address is bloom4him@gmail.com All future e-mail and evites will come to you from that address. If you wish to be removed from our mailing list, please contact our new e-mail and just ask us to remove your name.
The Women's Committee of
Cross Points Church
Shawnee, KS
The Women's Committee of
Cross Points Church
Shawnee, KS