BLOOM! ecstatically announces that the total collected for our missionary women was $1344! Each of our twelve guests received $112 cash on Thursday evening. Thank you Cross Points ladies--that's a lot of love! 
The year was 1977 and Full Faith Church of Love began a new chapter in
our missions work by setting aside 10% of the church's income to
support our missionaries. Now 35 years later, we're celebrating our
heritage and looking forward to our future. Join us to reconnect with
our missionary women. Whether you're meeting them for the first time or
greeting old friends--it will be a wonderful night!
Join us as BLOOM! contributes our special women's memories to
Cross Points Missions Time Capsule!
Cross Points Church
Fellowship Hall
Thursday, November 15
Come enjoy a
gourmet coffee and hot chocolate bar. If you need childcare, please
RSVP to your evite or at our table after church with the names and ages of your children.
We are collecting a love
offering to bless our Missionary Women. To make a donation and RSVP, please
visit our table in the foyer after church
November 4 and 11.