Sunday, April 13, 2014

BLOOM! Into Healthy Living

Thanks to Tracy, Elizabeth, Elaine, and Alvina for such a fun and information-packed evening!  You all inspire me!  Watch for the next part--an exercise class! 


BLOOM! into Healthy Living

  • Friday, May 2 at 7:00-9:00 PM
  • Fireside Room, Cross Points Church

We're so excited to announce our very first ever Panel Discussion just for us girls--this one on living a healthy lifestyle!  Please join our knowledgeable panelists, Elizabeth Mains, Elaine Miller, and Alvina Young and our moderator for the evening, Tracy Martinez.  We'll have a lively and fun discussion about topics such as:

Get motivated, Get moving!
Creating a restful, peaceful, joyful environment.
Fat Free...It's not all it's cracked up to be!
Exercising with Babies, Toddlers, and Kiddos at home.

Our panelists have made changes and learned what works in their lives--now they're ready to share their strategies and tips with us!  Please don't miss it!

We'll have healthy snacks, child care if you pre-register and we can arrange it, and a ton of fun.

Got a question about nutrition or exercise or just staying healthy?  Ask it in the comment section when you RSVP to your evite and we'll get it to our panelists to answer that evening.  Or send it in an email to

We can't wait to see all of you!