Sunday, August 7, 2016

Join us for a Book Discussion

You have the capacity to become an extraordinary leader—if you are willing to embrace a deeper definition of leadership and take action to apply it.

In The 4 Dimensions of Extraordinary Leadership, Jenni Catron, executive church leader and author of Clout, reveals the secrets to the kind of leadership found in the Great Commandment: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.”


We're all leaders.   At home, at work, in church, or out in the neighborhood--each of you has someplace where you affect other people.  So what do you think it takes to lead well?

Jenn Green and Jan Brooks invite you to read and discuss this book with them.  We've got a cool online assessment to help us pinpoint our personal style of leadership.  Then we'll define extraordinary leadership and discuss tools and strategy to develop leadership qualities within us.  We want to come away with new insights, perspective, and lots of encouragement!

Sunday mornings 9:00-10:30 am
September 18-October 9  (4 weeks)
Maranatha wing of Cross Points Church.  Room TBA

The book is available at Amazon, Christianbook.comBarnes & Noble, and Lifeway. Cost for the print book is about $17. 
A digital version is available for about $10 from all vendors plus iBooks. 

Please sign up through the myCrossPoints app or online at the church website.  Here's a link.  

Plan to read the first two chapters before we begin the sessions on September 18. 

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Summer IF: Tables 2016


What is better 
than a bit of time set aside 
for food, 
sweet friends, 
and deep conversation?

What is IF:Table?
A place to gather women and share a simple meal and dive deep with people over real stories and Christ centered conversations. A time for a whole lot of laughter – and maybe a few tears – but time spent that leaves us with glad hearts. Full hearts. Grateful hearts.
We're inviting you to join us right here at Cross Points Church.

The vision is:
6 women
4 questions
2 hours
(Acts 2:46)

Choose: Tuesday or Thursday night.
Tuesday night tables will meet June 21 and again on July 26.
Thursday night tables will meet June 23 and again on July 28.
In August, your table will meet at the time and place that YOU choose.

Let us set the table, pour the water or tea, and provide the questions.   You bring a potluck dish and any girlfriends you can grab.

6-8:30 pm    Cross Points Church Fellowship Hall
Sign up in the app or at our table in the wrap-around after church.

Can't wait to see you!

Thursday, February 18, 2016


Bring your Bibles and journals and get ready to dig into the Old Testament book of Nehemiah, the government worker in the employ of a foreign king, who became a building contractor and one of the savviest leaders of all time.   What can we learn from a man who contends with danger, villains, and injustice, and in the process brings an exiled nation home?  What has God put on your heart?

Tuesdays, 7pm, starting March 8
Fireside Lounge
Cross Points Church
5 week Bible Study
No DVD, no additional book to purchase, just bring your Bible.

Jan Brooks, Marjie Myers, Elaine Miller, Amy Mahoney will be leading the discussion and sharing their hearts along the way.

Sign up at the BLOOM! table after church on February 28 and March 6.  Or send an email to