Thursday, October 28, 2010

To the World with Love!

Join us Thursday evening,  November 18th, 7 pm in the Fellowship Hall of Cross Points Church.  Enjoy Worship, small group discussion, and light refreshments with our missionary women!  Nursery is provided, please sign up at the BLOOM! table in the foyer after church and let us know the number of children and their ages.

We are collecting a special love offering to bless our missionary women.  Drop it in the offering box at church or bring it to the BLOOM! table in the foyer.  Got a question for our missionaries? You can submit it at our table--we'll try to ask it during the discussion group time. 

And a special Saturday morning (Nov 20) bonus--Meet us at Cross Points Church at 10 am for an informal "Walk and Talk."  After a week of special refreshments, we'll spend some time walking the halls and sharing with our missionary women.  Exercise and fellowship--what could be better?

Sunday, October 17, 2010

For Reynosa with Love

Used with CC license

BLOOM! invites all of Cross Points to donate 
toothbrushes, toothpaste, and dental floss, esp. in children's sizes.
Bring them to our table in the foyer beginning October 31 

Collections will be used for a Dental Care Informational Clinic
During the Mexico Mission Trip over Christmas Break
Clinic conducted by Raya Bowden, pre-dental student, Anna Unmack's niece,  
and president and founder of 
KU's Operation Smile Chapter.