Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thank you Cross Points!

BLOOM! wishes to thank Cross Points Church for the generous outpouring of love extended to our beloved Missionary Women!  We collected almost $1300 for our six missionary guests in attendance during our conference event.  You have truly given of yourselves...To the World with Love.

Also we have had a fantastic response to the dental supplies collection for Reynosa!  We anticipate good reports from the mission trip and especially the children's dental clinic.  We are able to collect additional toothbrushes, toothpaste, or floss until the group leaves after Christmas--please give supplies to Anna Unmack or Jan Brooks.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

To the World with Love!

Join us Thursday evening,  November 18th, 7 pm in the Fellowship Hall of Cross Points Church.  Enjoy Worship, small group discussion, and light refreshments with our missionary women!  Nursery is provided, please sign up at the BLOOM! table in the foyer after church and let us know the number of children and their ages.

We are collecting a special love offering to bless our missionary women.  Drop it in the offering box at church or bring it to the BLOOM! table in the foyer.  Got a question for our missionaries? You can submit it at our table--we'll try to ask it during the discussion group time. 

And a special Saturday morning (Nov 20) bonus--Meet us at Cross Points Church at 10 am for an informal "Walk and Talk."  After a week of special refreshments, we'll spend some time walking the halls and sharing with our missionary women.  Exercise and fellowship--what could be better?

Sunday, October 17, 2010

For Reynosa with Love

Used with CC license

BLOOM! invites all of Cross Points to donate 
toothbrushes, toothpaste, and dental floss, esp. in children's sizes.
Bring them to our table in the foyer beginning October 31 

Collections will be used for a Dental Care Informational Clinic
During the Mexico Mission Trip over Christmas Break
Clinic conducted by Raya Bowden, pre-dental student, Anna Unmack's niece,  
and president and founder of 
KU's Operation Smile Chapter.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Living Proof Live Simulcast--what a day!

There were only three of us from Cross Points Church, and we were each rather tired from a wonderful international culinary tour the night before.  But excitement and anticipation really were in the air as we pulled up to Legacy Christian Church in Overland Park and we were met by a greeting committee of helpful women, each in a pink t-shirt touting the day's event.  Water and notebook in hand, we entered the sanctuary where three enormous screens were set up and worship music was already playing.

We began with worship.  The songs were upbeat and familiar, and we quickly realized that we were among women who love Jesus passionately.  On the screens we could see Travis Cottrell's worship band and get a sense of a larger crowd in Chicago.  During the day we learned that the event included over 125,000 women (and a few brave men!) from over 30 different denominations in locations all over the US, Canada, and 5 US Army bases.  Wow!  It was wonderful to worship with so many sisters, but I have to tell you that when Beth Moore began to share, I felt that she was speaking personally to me.  I will share the briefest of outlines from my notes so you can get a sense of what I learned.

She started from Proverbs 31:26--"She opens her mouth with wisdom and the law of kindness is on her tongue."  We talked about why a law of kindness is needed (a. because we live in a "mean world!" and b. because we WILL "open our mouths.")  And then Beth spent the rest of the day sharing her 8 "tastes" of Biblical kindness--so that we will know what it's like on OUR tongues.
1) Kindness is NOT a weakness.
         It is a divine empowerment.
2) Kindness is not an action--it's a disposition. 
         The Gk word actually means grace which pervades an entire nature!
3) Kindness wears down when we do. 
         When we're down, we need to be built up in the Spirit by the body of Christ.  Eph 4: 12, 16, 24.
4) Kindness looks pain in the face
          Job: 6:28
5) Kindness is a Saviour.
          Eph. 2: 4-10
6) Kindness has good memory.
          Psalm 106: 7    Do not forget the goodness of God!
7) Kindness craves an outlet.
          II Sam 9:1
8)  And Kindness leaves a legacy
          Acts 28: 1-2      Tied into the story of Malta today being a country with the highest rate of philanthropic giving in the world!

After a time set apart for ministry, a blessing, and more worship we came home, kind of tired, but oh, so elated about what God had spoken to each of us personally.  I came away realizing that being nice was NOT the same thing as being kind and it's kind of easy for me to mask my heart and fool myself in that way.  Kindness is a heart attitude that manifests itself in words and deeds.  So I'm going to continue talking to God in the days to come about the areas where I've not been so kind.

I have to say that even though it was a busy weekend, I felt touched and blessed by God and He has more than redeemed the time back to me.  I'm not sure how that works, but it does.  I've been energized, rejuvenated, and yes, forgiven and I look forward to this coming week with Him.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

An International Culinary Tour of Shawnee

Friday September 17th at 6:30 PM
Meet at the Fireside Room for appetizers.

Featuring fare from South American, the Orient,
The Mediterranean, and India!
Only $5--please pay in advance when you register.
Child care provided, please register.
Come dressed in your most international garb!

Hosted by Eau and BLOOM!

Beth Moore: Living Proof Live Simulcast!

Hosted by Legacy Christian Church
10150 Antioch Road

Saturday, September 18, 2010
9:30am until 4:00pm

Ticket prices: $35 per person
Student prices $20 per person
Ticket prices include a box lunch
                                                         Register at

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Urgent Reynosa Prayer Request

For several years now, Cross Points Church has sent a team down to Reynosa at Christmas time to help build new homes for people who have so very little. This past July, the colonia was flooded, leaving most if not all the homes damaged. This is the information we have from Roland Ashby: Urgent need for prayer and financial support!

Dear Family and Friends,

Last Thursday July 15, 2010 the water crested in the riverbanks just outside the Colonia in Reynosa. "Within 30 minutes water filled every house in the Colonia," Alma said with tears. "I couldn't even watch it flood my house and just had to walk away," she continued.

The water has filled every house that has ever been built in the Colonia. Some homes have 2 feet of water in them while others are covered with water and only the roof tops are visible. It was very hard to see the conditions the people are living in. They are living on the levee, exposed to the elements -- homeless, helpless and wondering who will come to help.

Below read on and see what we are doing and how you can help us to make a difference for our friends in the Colonia.

Roland Ashby
Strategic Alliance

Strategic Alliance - Being The Hands & Feet of Jesus
Team Brings Help & Hope and Food
Flood Helping hands
Strategic Alliance has responded. We sent a team with our partner church CrossBridge in San Antonio on Wednesday to assess the situation and bring hope and help to our friends in the Colonia. They brought enough food to help feed over 212 families for a few days. In the pictures you can see the community leaders handing out the food and some of our team load more food that we went out and purchased when the supplies ran out. Click here to see the gallery.

A Plan Is Forming
3 Phase Plan
Alma's Team Flood
We have put together a plan and see that it will take months to even make a dent in the need.

Phase 1: This first phase is just meeting basic needs physically, medically and spiritually. You can donate at our website ( to help with these basic needs.

Phase 2: After the water recedes, which could be a month or more, we'll assess the damage, organize teams to clean up and salvage what can still be used.

Phase 3: We'll begin to repair, rebuild and build anew the Colonia.

Teams will be Forming
We'll be sending teams over the next few weeks/months to help with various aspects of the rebuilding. If you'd like to join a team please send us an e-mail:

Team Leaves Wednesday - Do You Want to Go?
On Wednesday July 28 at 5 am. Another team is leaving with Roland to bring a trailer of supplies and continue to assess the situation and develop a more detailed plan for the months to come. We could use some medical personnel, doctors or nurses to assess the situation. Please contact me if you would like to join the team: Roland Ashby 830-620-0224 or cell: 830-708-5065 or e-mail:

Donations Needed
Reynosa Flood 7Send Checks to Strategic Alliance
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 310619
New Braunfels, TX 78131-0619


Go to and donate through the Web-site.

Homes for the Homeless - A ministry of Strategic Alliance

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 310619
New Braunfels, TX 78131-0619

Phone: 830.620.0224
Fax: 830.609.1109

Sunday, July 11, 2010

A Shower of Blessings for Patty's Closet

A Benefit for Advice and Aid Pregnancy Center!
Wednesday, July 21st
7 pm
Cross Points Church
Fireside Room
Nursery available--please RSVP

Bring a new, unwrapped gift for Mom or Baby!
Wish List includes:
Diapers (sizes 4, 5, 6) and Pull ups (size 2),
Baby wipes, Baby journals
sleepers (size 9, 12, 18 and 24 months)
pack 'n plays
umbrella strollers
gift cards for gas, food, Target or Walmart
laundry detergent
cribs, crib mattresses, high chairs

We're also collecting gifts before and after the church service on July 11th and 18th!
Come and bless this wonderful ministry!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Did Not Our Hearts Burn Within Us?

Recognizing His Presence

Fireside Room,

May 1, 9:45-12:00

Special guest, Linda Fields

Light refreshments

Love offering

Sign up for childcare

Monday, February 1, 2010

Time to BLOOM!

Dear loved ones,
For two years, the Women's Committee, as overseer for the Women In Touch ministry, has been meeting monthly, praying for and discussing God's intention for this ministry to the women of Cross Points Church. It became obvious to us that over the years, more and more ministries have been started that meet the needs of our women in specific stages of life. There is Reflect for college age and Eau for young women. Seasons, WOW, React, and Young at Heart all include women at various seasons in their lives.

We believe that we are in a new season of ministry and are called to stand beside these groups and equip our women to minister within these other areas. We are the plant that has been well tended and given everything we need to grow. Our desire is to blossom, to be fruitful, multiply, and bloom. Until we bloom, we do not spread the seeds necessary to reproduce ourselves. At this time, we introduce our new name...BLOOM!

As BLOOM! (Believing Ladies Offering Opportunities for Ministry), our focus will be to facilitate inter-generational venues that would provide opportunities for all the women of Cross Points to bloom. BLOOM! will continue to sponsor special events such as concerts, dinners, or coffeehouse nights, encouraging our women to invite others, thus spreading the gospel to people who might not yet be willing to attend a church service. BLOOM! can function as the link between the women of Cross Points and ministries needing volunteer help. We will continue to offer "helps" to those in need throughout the congregation. And most especially, BLOOM! will continue to serve the missionary women of Cross Points Church by blessing them for planting and harvesting across the world.

In a nutshell...instead of ministering TO the women of Cross Points, we will be helping them to minister to others. By doing this, we give our seed the opportunity to grow, bloom, and spread more seeds. This is what we are divinely commissioned to do.

The current committee lovingly expresses our gratitude to all the women who have served Women in Touch with such faithfulness in the past. At the same time, we eagerly anticipate fresh opportunities for ministry.

I Thessalonians 2:8 We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us.

Our new e-mail address is All future e-mail and evites will come to you from that address. If you wish to be removed from our mailing list, please contact our new e-mail and just ask us to remove your name.

The Women's Committee of
Cross Points Church
Shawnee, KS