Friday, September 7, 2012

Being a Missional Christian


Thank you, Joni Wise,  for sharing so much of your heart and experience with us today! Thank you to the women who set up the area and provided the awesome food this morning! (Salina's granola recipe is posted on this blog under the recipes tab!)

For those that want further discussions and encouragement--we'll contact you with info about how to move forward. This was a great series with such good discussion!    -BLOOM! ANYONE can impact their world for Jesus!

BLOOM! is excited to announce 
two upcoming interactive seminars 
with Cross Points missionary, Joni Wise! 
October 6 and October 20 from 9:30am-11:30am
Fireside Room at Cross Points Church.

Session 1:  October 6--What is a "Missional" Christian anyway?


How do we understand and deal with rapidly changing culture?
How do we impact and disciple those in our everyday world?

Sharing techniques that she has used on the mission field, Joni plans to teach not just how to disciple, but how to disciple other "disciples."   Imagine--each believer can fulfill the Great Commission right where they are at, instead of always feeling guilty about "not witnessing" enough.  Ladies, this is not "lecture style" teaching, but a very interactive applicational seminar that you will put to use the week after you learn it.

Session 2:  October 20-- Being a Missional Church (IN, OUT, and UP)

Joni plans to share how you, the disciples, can send out disciples who ALSO train new disciples.  Every believer is part of this amazing, but simple process and we'll learn how this leads to the growth of God's kingdom. 

Week 2 will give us the chance to share and encourage each other in small groups as we work through and practice what we've learned. 

Sign up today!
1) Respond to your evite  OR
2) Sign up on Facebook  OR
3) Catch us at the table after church.

Child Care will be available, please make a reservation when you sign up!
Refreshments will be served.
A Love Offering will be taken for Joni's "We Love Kids" Ministry.

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